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Semarang │February 10th, 2017 Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus), invited English teachers from Muhammadiyah schools in Central Java Province to join a video conference on TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language), which was held in Athens, Greece on February 9th-10th, 2017. The event was initiated by the coordinator of TEFLIN (Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia) for Central Java province (Dr. Issy Yuliasri) in collaboration with the Council of Primary and Secondary Education. The event, also supported by RELO (Regional English Language), was attended by English teachers from schools and madrassas (Islamic religious schools), lecturers of English as well as English language activists in Central Java province.

Sesi video conference
Video Conference Session

The event began with watching together live streaming of video conference and then was continued discussion between participants. The discussion session was led by the dean of the Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture (Yesika Maya O., M.Hum.), mainly talking about English learning and role as a communication tool and also one of competences that develop civilization (Reimagining English Competence). In this meeting, another thing agreed was the establishment of Muhammadiyah English teachers in Central Java, with a hope that it would facilitate communication between teachers corresponding policies on English teaching.

Sesi diskusi peserta
Discussion Session

Chairman of the event’s committee (Muhimatul Ifadah, M.Pd.) stated that “through the event, it is hoped that new cooperation between Unimus and institutions on primary and secondary education levels will be established, in order to synergize the knowledge and as the implementation of Three Obligations (Tri Dharma). The followup of the event will be further routine scientific meetings that will be designed and managed by the Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture. One of those is ELLIC (English Language and Literature International Conference) that will be held in Unimus very soon, exactly in May 2017.

(Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and JIPC)

