Semarang │UNIMUS (January 8, 2018) Dodi Mulyadi, a lecturer in the Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) has just earned doctor title after finishing the doctoral program in Language Education from Postgraduate Study Program (Program Studi Pascasarjana) at Universitas Negeri Semarang. He becomes the first Doctor of English Education at Unimus right now. Promoted by Prof. Dr. Dwi Rukmini, M. Pd (promotor) and Prof. Dr. Warsono, Dip. TEFL, Man (co-promotor) and Dr. Issy Yuliasri, M.Pd. (member of promotor), he’s successfully defended his dissertation entitled “The Effectiveness of Explicit (Meta-)Cognitive Strategy Instruction on the Listening Comprehension of Students with Different Learning Styles” on Monday, January 8, 2018 and finally had 3.91 GPA. He becomes the 56th Doctor in Language Science Department at Unnes, and the youngest Doctor at Unimus (30 years old).

Dr. Dodi Mulyadi, S.Pd, M.Pd (tengah) bersama tim penguji usai sidang promosi doktor

As a lecturer and the head of the Technical Unit of Language Affairs (UPT Bahasa/Muhammadiyah Language Center) at Unimus, he stated that metacognitive teaching strategies were useful to encourage students to be autonomous in learning listening skills. Meanwhile, cognitive learning strategies could help the students to find solutions for difficulties in learning listening skills, such limitednesss in memorizing vocabulary, as well as problems in pronouncing unfamiliar words and the number of strange words. “Metacognitive and cognitive strategies should be integrated to each other in order to conduct an effective listening teaching. Teaching listening with Explicit Instruction of (Meta)-cognitive strategies (EIMCS) is proven effective in improving the learners’ listening skills,” he said.

Dr. Dodi accompanied by his parents, as well as the Rector, Vice Rector I, and Vice Rector II of Unimus at the end of the doctor promotion.

“Results of the research showed that the implementation of the EIMCS has given significant impacts on the students’ visual, auditory, and kinesthetic aspects of listening proficiency. Those having been taught with the EIMCS have shown significant improvements on planning-evaluation and problem-solving strategies as well as on the stages of mental translation strategies, except in learners with visual learning style,” he explained. He also presented some findings from interviews he had conducted, showing that students’ perception about learning with the EIMCS was that it could facilitate them to improve their listening skills, as well as create a learning atmosphere that supported and helped them to prepare to learn listening. He suggested English teachers some things dealing with effective listening learning. “Prior to conducting any listening activity, a teacher should appply and explain explicitly the plan for the listening task. Then, during the learning process, the teacher should convey the strategy to the students (monitoring comprehension stage). After completing the activity, he or she also should inform the strategies dealing with the evaluation of comprehension and strategy use,” he concluded. He hoped that his findings would be able to help learners to more easily learn English.

Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, the Rector of Unimus, who also attended the doctor promotion, said that as the youngest doctor at Unimus, Dr. was expected to inspire other young lecturers to take or finish their doctoral programs. By getting an additional one new doctor, we want Unimus to strengthen its power in terms of human resource and quality to provide excellent services to the students,” Prof. Masrukhi added.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations

