Semarang | (March 12, 2018) One of students’ dreams after graduation might be to get some apprenticeship and apply knowledge that they have had directly to the society. The earlier is what 16 graduates from Professional Program of Nursing at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang, who have just been selected to take “Short-term Elder Care Technical Training Program” at National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences (NTUNHS) in the Republic of China (Taiwan). The students, who will be graduated in May 2018, will not only get a chance to apply their knowledge in the country but also abroad. The Short-term Elder Care Technical Training Program will be held for 10 months from the end of March to mid-December 2018, divided into 1 month of training and 9 months of internship.

Taking place in Unimus’ park, the participants were dispatched by Dr. Sri Darmawati., M.Si. (Vice Rector I of Unimus) accompanied by Dr. Budi Santosa, M.Si.Med. (Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences)M. Yusuf, Ph.D. (Director of Unimus International Relations Office) and Ns. Heryanto Adi Nugroho, M.Kep., Sp.Kom. (Head of Professional Program in Nursing during routine morning prayer on Monday, March 12, 2018. Director of Unimus International Relations Office stated that totally, there were 25 participants from Indonesia, and 16 out of them (64%) were from Unimus. “The 16 participants can take the training in Taiwan after going through administration selection and online interview,” he added. “All costs, including tuition fee, insurance, transportation, accommodation, and short course costs are paid by NTUNHS. The participants will also get pocket money during the internship from 10.000 to 20.000 NTD, equal to 4.5-9.5 million rupiahs for nine months,” he explained.
One of the training participants, Winardoyo, comes from Aceh. He expressed his gratitude towards his success of becoming a participant of the training in Taiwan, representing Indonesia. “I feel glad that I get the chance of attending the program. I believe I will get lots of experiences and knowledge in Taiwan. I hope that I can make my parents, alma mater, and country be proud,” he added.
Meanwhile, Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si. (Vice Rector I of Unimus) advised the students to keep practicing their culture, be discipline and active as well as always fulfill their obligations as good Muslims during in Taiwan. “The opportunity is not given to everyone. The good opportunity to learn and take apprenticeship abroad should be put to good use, as a valuable experience, so that they can explore more competence. It hopefully can become an added value for the alumni in the workplace,” the Vice Rector I added.

This program was the follow-up of an MoU between Unimus and NTUNHS. Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences in the opportunity stated that the MoU that had been made with the NTUNHS was implemented in practice by sending 16 students of Professional Program in Nursing at Unimus. “One of Unimus’ visions is internalization, and the students’ step (going to Taiwan) proves that Unimus gives concerns to the realization of the vision of having international insight,” the Dean added.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol