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Semarang │ April 10, 2017 Rector of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Prof. Dr. Masrukhi., MPd.), the Vice Rector I (Dr. Sri Darmawati., M.Si.), Vice Rector II Dr. Hj. Sri (Rejeki, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat.), Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (Prof. Dr. Rifki Muslim., Sp.B., Sp.U.) and several senior leaders in the that faculty and the Faculty of Dentistry made a visit to the the Mayor of Semarang City. It aimed at strengthening silaturahim and conducting a hearing with the major.

Rector of Unimus handedover a souvenir to the Major of Semarang City

The rector stated that there are a lot of potentials and academicians at Unimus, ready to actively play a role in various activities in Semarang City. “Unimus is ready to actively play a role in keeping Semarang City condusive and developed so that all potencies at Unimus can show their active roles in various activities. Unimus, whose most of the faculties deal with health, has been involved in the a lot of activities held by the municipal government of Semarang City” added the Rector. He explained that Unimus was in the process of developing itself, like building Dental and Oral Hospital, Unimus Medical Center and the Faculty of Medicine building. It was hoped that there would be supports, advisory and direction from the government. “It is built to be made one of infrastructures that support services to the community in order to solve existing health problems. ”revealed the Rector. During the visit, the Rector also proposed various ideas related to the public services in Semarang City.

Foto bersama Walikota Semarang, Rektor Unimus, Pimpinan di Unimus dan Pejabat di Kota Semarang
Major of Semarang City, Rector of Unimus, Senior Leaders of Unimus, and Senior Officials of the Municipal Government of Semarang City

H. Hendrar Priahadi. S.E., M.M. as the Mayor of Semarang City received the visit of Unimus’ rector and senior leaders accompanied by the Department Head of the City Planning Department of Semarang City, the Department Head of the Investment and One-door Integrated Services of Semarang City and the Administrative Assistant of Semarang City Regional Secretary for Economic Development and Public Prosperity Affairs. The Mayor expressed that: “I feel that Unimus has been very active in giving contributions to the society in Semarang City, through both activities in the health area and its speedy development. We will support Unimus to create high intellectual young generations”. The Mayor added that he was ready to help the development of Unimus and hoped that Unimus would always have god synergy with the government of Semarang City. The visit and hearing was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere, which was closed with taking picture together.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol
