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penanandatangan MoU Unimus dengan Umea University of Sweden
The Signing of the MoU between Unimus and Umea University of Sweden

Semarang | November 7, 2016 International Relation Officer (IRO) in collaboration with the Faculty of Public Health (FKM) and the Faculty of Medicine (FK) of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held an International General Lecture entitled “Chronic Diseases and Ageing Population“. The guest speaker in this event was Prof. Nawi Ng, MD, MPH, Ph.D. from Umeå University, Sweden, accompanied by the Vice Rector I (Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si.), the Dean of the Faculty of Public Health (Mifbakhuddin, S.K.M., M.Kes.), the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine (Prof. Dr. Rifki Muslim, Sp.B., Sp.U.), the Heads of Study Programs, the Lecturers as well as the rest of the academicians of the University.

The International General Lecture didn’t only convey materials but also the signing of the MoU between Umeå University and Unimus, specifically both of the faculties. The Vice Rector I in her speech hoped that the cooperation wasn’t only limited to the cooperation in both faculties but also all other study programs or faculties or fields related what Umeå University had. She also expected that the general lecture could stimulate the students to open horizons as well as get much information about Umeå University and Sweden in general and make use of the forum optimally.

Prof. Nawi memberikan penjelasan dalam International General Lecture
Prof. Nawi when Giving a Speech in the General Lecture

On the other side, Prof. Nawi explained in the lecture that humans in live would experienced various kinds of transitions or changes that would cause certain health problems so having possibilities of suffering chronic diseases, some of the leading causes of death in the world. He asked young generations to practice healthy lifestyles and also improve researches scientific researches in order to prevent chronic diseases.

Besides, he also explained that Umeå University offered scholarships for students who considered to go to master’s degree or doctoral degree in health as well as in research methods.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and JIPC
