Semarang | On November 11, 2016 The University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held a signing ceremony of the MoU with the Rural Bank of Artha Surya Barokah (BPR Artha Surya Barokah), which was coincided with the grand opening of the bank’s new office next to the rectorate building of the university. Welcomed by the Rector (Prof. Dr. H., Masrukhi, M.Pd.) and also the academicians of Unimus, the signing was done by the President Director of the Rural Bank of Arta surya Barokah (Madam Retno Dewi Haryani) and the Rector, witnessed by Dr. H. Haerudin as the Commissioner of the bank.
Given that both institutions belonged to Persyarikatan Muhammadiyah, by the MoU signing and the office opening on that day it was expected that both could grow bigger and become more prosper. Thus, the Rector urged Unimus’ staff to open an account at the bank so that various things related to finance could be dealt with more easily.