Semarang | November 28th, 2016
On November 26th, 2106 Faculty of Public Health (FKM) of the University of Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held an expert lecture entitled “The Future of Epidemiology : Policy and Practical Perspectives.” The expert that delivered the lecture was Dr. dr. Hariadi Wibisono, MPH. The event was attended by the Dean (Mifbakhuddin, S.K.M, M.Kes.), Head of Public Health Study Program (Dr. Sayono S.K.M, M.Kes.(Ebid))” as well as lecturers and students of the faculty.

What discussed were not only knowledge but also a kind of mini meeting and workshop talking about establishing the Vocational Program in Epidemiology in the Faculty of Public Health. Discussed also in the event was the future of epidemiology as a program, in regard to academicians as well as the connection between the two. The Dean in the speech stating Unimus is a university that focuses in the fields of health and medicine so that the future of the university in not far from such fields. And, FKM belongs to them, in spite of only having one study program today. In near future, there will be the Postgraduate Degree in Public Health and in Medical Laboratory Technology, as well as Vocational Diploma III in Epidemiology, which is now subject to feasibility studies.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and JIPC