Semarang │(17/07/2017) Study Program of Nutrition Science at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) in cooperation with the Central Java Regional Executive Board of the Indonesian Nutritionist Association (Persatuan Ahli Gizi Indonesia or Persagi) is holding a national training on Nasional Nutritional Care Process (NCP) and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP). The event is taking place in the Intergrated Laboratory Building of Unimus, starting from today (July 17, 2017) to July 22, 2017. The event is themed “HACCP and NCP in supporting nutrition services towards hospital accreditation and sertification”. The training on NCP and HACCP will be held for 35 and 30 hours, respectively. Delivering an event report, Sufiati Bintanah, SKM, M.Kes., the committee chairman, stated that the event was attended by 40 participants from hospitals, public health centers, and medical clinics, in addition to Unimus’ alumni. “The event aimed at improving nutritionists’ understanding and skills in appying the HACCP and NCP systems in accordance with food management in hospitals and also sharing knowledge that can be applied to support excellent services in either hospitals or public health services” she revealed. She added that the event would include learnings in the classroom in form of lecture, case study, discussion and presentation, as well as visit to the hospital, laboratory practices, and written evaluations.

Also attending the opening ceremony were Dr. Budi Santosa., SKM., M.Si.Med. as Dean of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences (FIKKES) at Unimus, Dr. Martalena Purba, DCN, M.Kes, RD as Chairman of the Indonesian Dietetic Association (AsDI), and Dr. Ali Rosidi, SKM., M.Si. as Vice Chairman of Central Java Regional Executive Board of the Indonesian Nutritionist Association. The Dean in his greeting speech stated that all of the participants were expected to be able to improve their competencies in nutrition in order to improve the service quality their patients. Meanwhile, Dr. Ali Rosidi, SKM., M.Si. who officially opened the event said that nutritionists had to always update their knowledge in order to improve their competencies. “Nutritionists have to show their ability to give proper nutritional care and always update knowledge all the time” he stated.
Becoming the keynote speaker of the event is Dr. Martalena Purba, DCN, M.Kes, RD who delivers a topic: “Challenges to Dietetic Professionalism Then, Now, and in the Future”. FYI, several other experts in Food and Nutrition from the Indonesian Agronomy Association, the Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Diponegoro, Dr. Kariadi General Hospital Medical Center and Dr. Loekmono Hadi in Kudus are also scheduled to give materials. On the occasion, there were three main sub-fields of Nutrition Science, such as Clinical Nutrition dealing with patients, Community Nutrition, and Food Management. “Our challenge now is primarily in clinical nutrition. Clinical nutrition education is still varied, such as diploma, undergraduate, and professional programs so that the competencies has to always be upgraded in order to be level with other professions when they already work so that simultaneous training on nutritionist competencies will get improved,” she revealed. Ms. Chairman, who also works as a nutritionist in Dr. Sarjito Central Public Hospital, added that the NCP training was an effort to standardize nutritional care throughout Indonesia. She said that quality nutritional care was one of the components of evaluation in a hospital accreditation. “Meanwhile, the HACCP training is related to food management and food security certainly also connected to the security of a patient” she added.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.