Semarang │(09/09/2017) Final semester students of D3 in Midwifery, the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences (Fikkes) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held a national seminar “Enhancing the Competence of Self-evidence in Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care” today, September 9, 2017, taking place at Hotel Candi Indah. 3 national-level experts participates as the guest-speakers. They were Dr. H. Siswosudarmo, Sp.OG (K) from Joglosemar Center Yogyakarta, dr. Eugenius Phyowai Ganap, Sp.OG (K) (a lecturer of the Faculty of Medicine at UGM and an obstetric consultant at the Central Public Hospital of Dr. Sardjito), and dr. Agus Saptanto, Sp.A., from the Regional Public Hospital of Adyatma Semarang. Mufida Ayu Puspitasari, the chairman of the committee, stated that the event was attended by 412 participants, consisting of midwives, nurses, students in midwifery program, and public in general. Also attending the event were the Vice Rector III of Unimus, the Dean of Fikkes, the representatives of the Regional Board of the Indonesian Midwives Association (IBI) and of the Indonesian National Nurse Association (PPNI) for Semarang City, the study program administrators and the lecturers.

“This national seminar is amied at developing science and technology in health, primarily in midwifery, so that the seminar participants will know more about the latest knowledge in Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care” the committee chairman explained. Dewi Puspitaningrum, SSiT, M.Kes., head of Midwifery program at Unimus hoped the seminar would improve midwives’ confidence in dealing with maternal and neonatal emergencies. “This seminar will contribute towards the implementations of the study program’s vision, which is to create midwives excellent at maternal and neonatal emergencies. Organized by the final semester students, it becomes one of the contributions of the alumni to develop science, improve nursing services, as well as enhance the academic atmosphere.” she added. Meanwhile, Dr. Samsudi Rahardjo, MM, MT, the Vice Rector III Wakil Rektor, who represented the Rector of Unimus to open the event, gave appreciation to the committee for the event, stating that the national seminar could become an effort to build the synergy between the students’ role, the study program, and the mission of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang dealing with the improvements of science and academic atmosphere in the campus.

The agenda of the seminar included simulation of Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care and material by the guest peakers. Major topics discussed in the national seminar included pre-eclampsia and uterine atony, asphyxia emergency care in daily practices, and the application of postpartum bleeding care in daily practices. dr. Eugenius, Sp.OG (K) stated that postpartum bleeding in Indonesia has been the most potential cause of death of a woman after giving birth. “Vaginal Bleeding is the biggest cause of Mother Mortality Rate (MMR) so a mother in postpartum period needs to get special monitoring considering that bleeding after birth can happen 24 hours after birth or several days later” dr. Eugenius revealed.
The participants looked enthusiastic in either the seminar or discussion session, shown by many questions that they asked to the speakers. Agustin Rahmawati, SSi.T, M.Kes., one of the study program’s lecturers, was selected as the moderator in a seminar that was held from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. The committee hope that the participants can apply the latest knowledge and managerial skills in dealing with the emergency obstetric and newborn care .
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.