Semarang (October 23, 2017) Dr. Ir. H. Taufik Kurniawan, M.M., the Deputy President of the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (Coordinator of Economic and Monetary Affairs) just visited Universitas Muhamadiyah Semarang (Unimus) to give a general lecture entitled “Role of Youths in the Development of Indonesia”. The lecture was held in the Hall of Nursing Research Center building at Unimus, attended by 150 students and opened by Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd., the Rector of Unimus. Rector stated that the general lecture would be given as one of the materials in Pancasila and Civic courses.

Taufik emphasized in the lecture that young generations needed to learn about the history of the nation’s movements, which couldn’t be separated from the role of the youths. “Youths are the backbone of the nation as well as the decision maker of the nation’s fate in the future. Youths should be able to take advantages of opportunities, with positive things. The critical power of the youths should be maintained and proportional,” he asserted. As a member of Unimus’ Daily Advisory Board, he said that youths could determine politics by selecting being good voters. “Muhammadiyah youths should be careful to use the suffrage, by choosing a leader that meets with the qualifications: Sidiq (truthfulness), Amanah (trustworthiness), Tabligh (advocacy), and Fathanah (wisdom) as taught in Islam. Before voting for a leader, young generations need to examine carefully the background of the selected leader,” he explained.
In front of the students, Taufik Kurniawan advised young generations to play role actively in development, always observe the surroundings and be responsive to the globalization. “Youths can play a proper role for the national development by not only trapped in routine activities, but also seeing the surroundings, as well as caring and understanding the condition of the surroundings,” he stated. Taufik also revealed the importance of a youth’s intimacy with the family and parents as family could conduct thorough supervision to the danger of the surroundings. “The family can provide examples about care, love, and respect to the nation” he added.
On the occasion, Taufik also stated that young generations should have a strong grip on science and technological advancement, and be able to respond properly any negative impact of it. “Youths should fortify themselves with strong morality to deal with any threat coming from the advancement of information technology. Young generations need to be wise and prudent in utilizing information technology”, he asserted. And the end of the general lecture, Taufik advised the students that young generations had to always be ready to face the challenges of globalization, which almost had no limit. “In order to be able to deal with globalization challenges properly, youths need to possess at least one foreign language besides Indonesian,” he closed the lecture.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.