Japan │ (November 16, 2017) Senior leaders of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) accompanied by 38 delegations from Muhammadiyah heath higher education institutions have got an opportunity to visit Japan between November 13 and November 18, 2017. As the representatives to Unimus, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd. (Rector of Unimus) and dr. Arif Tajali, M.Kes. (Vice Dean 1 of the Faculty of Medicine at Unimus) went to Japan along with other contingent members led by Prof. Dr. Lincolin Asryad, M.Sc. (Chairman of the Council of Higher Education and Research and Development of Muhammadiyah Central Executive Board.

The first-day activities in Japan began with a visit to the Embassy of the Republic Indonesia in Tokyo. Meanwhile, the next activity was a visit to and attempt of new cooperation with several universities that the contingent visited, i.e., the International University of Health and Welfare and JICHI Medical University, two of the best universities in Japan that have the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Health.
Rector of Unimus stated that the visit would be very useful to implement the vision of Unimus, i.e. to become an excellent and distinctive university, having international insight. “Japan is a country with sophisticated technological development in technology. Many products of the technology are relevant to be developed by Unimus,” he explained. “Unimus has 4 health faculties. They are the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences, and the Faculty of Public Health. One of Unimus’ excellences is its health study programs. Fourteen study programs at Unimus deal with health, they are accredited A and B from The Indonesian Accreditation Agency for Higher Education in Health (IAAHEH) or LAM PT Kes in Indonesian. Thus, the visit would reinforce the gait and quality of Unimus in the international sphere.