Semarang | Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (UNIMUS) has been visited by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education today, Friday (April 4, 2018), in accordance with a Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) on Lecturer Certification at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. The visiting team was directly greeted by the Rector, Dr. Hj. Sri Rejeki, S.Kp, M.Kep, Sp.Mat. (Vice Rector II), and also Edy Soesanto, S.Kp, M.Kes. (head of Unimus Institute of Educational Development and Quality Assurance/LP3M). Meanwhile, the team of the Ministry consisted of Prof. Dr. Endang Baliarti, SU and Iwan Winadi, S.Pd, M.Pd.


In the visit, the Ministry wanted to find out how the process of proposing a certification for a lecturer at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang. Besides, the team also held a Q&A session with the Vice Rector II, study program heads, lecturers, administrative staff, heads of bureaus and institutes and others in accordance with problems faced during the certification process.

“We hope that the visit of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education to Unimus can motivate the lecturers in here to get immediately certified,’’ Mrs. Sri Rejeki stated. The Vice Rector II added that the Monev was held to improve the quality of processes related to lecturer certification in the future. Unimus has also facilitated the lectures in applying the promotion of functional position in order to get the lecturer certification.

The event was also attended by all of the lecturers at Unimus who are in the process of applying for certification. Each of the lecturers also learned about rules dealing with the certification process. It was also expected to give benefits for the lecturers and motivate them in accordance with their applications. “Certification is a standard and professional legality for a lecturer. We will always encourage all lecturers to proceed the process of application of certification,” Endang explained. She explained that the failing to get certified in Indonesia were caused by several problems, such as a proposer fails to get the combined score that meets with the required minimal score, and having a functional position (at least Asisten Ahli). Thus, having that position cannot substitute TOEP test.


