left to right: Sri Darmawati, M.Si (Vice Rector I of Unimus Dr. Siti Aminah, S.TP., M.Si. (Task Executor of Head of Institute of  Research and Community Service  at Unimus in the signing ceremony of research and community service contracts

Semarang │ 58 lecturers at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus), chief researchers and team leaders of community services that have got grants from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in 2018 signed the implementation contracts of the researches and community services on Wednesday, April 11, 2018. The contract signing was an effort to fulfill their administrative obligation, also as a manifestation of their commitments.

Dr. Sri Damawati, M.Si., the Vice Rector I, in her speech stated that researches and community services had to be conducted optimally and carefully and the outputs could be achieved properly. Empowering the team and other lecturers in the researches and community services would give extensive impacts, in terms of either science, skill, or income. “All lecturers who have received grants are expected to write scientific articles to be published in reputable journals in order to enrich and improve Unimus lecturers’ achievements in publication,” she explained. Dr. Siti Aminah, S.T., M.Si., the tasks executor in Unimus Institute of Research and Community Service added that provisions related to the grant in the future need to be strict. “Publication has become a primary requirement so that it has be done by lecturers especially the grant recipients. In addition to becoming an obligation to have research and community service outputs, publications will give great benefits for the society,” she added.

Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si., Vice Rector I of Unimus, giving direction to the team leaders of researches and community services

“Accuracy in selecting a journal for publication is needed to avoid predatory journals as well as questioned by the Dikti (Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education). Publishing articles on reputable journals will also be beneficial when applying for the Determination of Credit Score (Penetapan Angka Kredit / PAK) for lecturers. Besides, there will be a lot of researches by Unimus’ lecturers that are potential to get patents or copyrights. They will be useful for strenghtening the institution’s capacity dealing with the preparation of the Institutional Accreditation,” Dr. Siti Aminah explained.

On the occasion, Dr. Purnomo, M.Eng., the SINTA verificator at Unimus, got the opportunity to share information about Science and Technology Index (SINTA). “In additions to outputs of researches and community services, one this the lecturers neede to pay attention is that the lecturers’ performances will be monitored by SINTA. Thus, all lecturers at Unimus need to be immediately verified on SINTA,” Dr. Purnomo told. In 2018, Unimus ranks 4th in number of grant recipients among all other private higher education institutions in Central Java, and 5th among all other higher education institutions in Indonesia, 177 institutions, under Muhammadiyah. The total grant received by Unimus is 4.21 billion Rupiahs.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol

