Semarang | 22 candidates of graduates from the Faculty of Engineering at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang attended a farewell ceremony on Saturday, May 12, 2018, in Candi Indah Hotel Semarang. The 22 candidates consisted of 12 graduate candidates from Mechanical Engineering study program and 10 candidates from Electrical Engineering study program. The event was led and officially opened by Dr. RM. Bagus Irawan, S.T., M.Si., IPP., the Dean of the Faculty.
The procession
In his speech, Irawan advised the students that having Bachelor title only wasn’t enough. It should be manifested in form of skills and competencies. Irawan explained that students of Unimus Faculty of Engineering should able to learn from the philosophy of a butterfly. “Study the phenomenon of a butterfly’s final metamorphosis. Our mind will find a new horizon about an amazing process of metamorphosis from a caterpillar to become a pupa, and then a butterfly, Caterpillar is disgusting. Most people feel uncomfortable getting close with it. A caterpillar dares to speculate by ‘fasting’ to transform its total form for in order to realize its seemingly impossible dream. But, with faith, persistence, and optimism in itself, a caterpillar contemplates to succeed the revolution and it works, becoming a precious creature, a butterfly,” he explained.
Moreover, synergetic with the human beings’ philosophy that to live the life, they should be able to construct and change any negative tradition. Students should be courageous to do self-revolution, like what butterflies do. Starting from being a caterpillar, then becoming in silence (pula), and finally turning into a butterfly. These stages should be entirely passed through. A caterpillar won’t become a butterfly if never becoming a pupa in the first place. “Sometimes, in life we expect success or great achievements through a short can or any instant way. Indeed, it often works but believe me that the instant success will end instantly,” Irawan added.
In the ceremony, the best graduates as well as the quickest ones were announced. The announcement of the best and the quickest graduate of Mechanical Engineering Study Program was Hardiman Nurcahyanto with GPA 3.85 and study period of 3 years and 7 months. Meanwhile, the best and quickest graduate from Electrical Engineering study program was Heri Supriono with GPA 3.65 and study period of 3 years and 7 months. The Dean congratulated all graduate candidates and expected them to be good agents of change in the society as well as implement learnings during their study at Unimus.