Semarang | Unimus (July 9, 2018) 47 students of the Faculty of Dentistry of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) will be involved in an international event by participating an International Student Mobility to Malaysia. The students have been dispatched by Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd., the Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) accompanied by Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si. (Vice Rector I), Dr. Sri Rejeki, M.Kep, SpMat. (Vice Rector II), Drs. Samsudi Raharjo (Vice Rector III, Moh. Yusuf, Ph.D., (Director of Unimus IRO) and Drg. Budiono, M.Pd. (Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry). The ceremony was held simultaneous with routine morning prayer (July 9) in the park of Unimus.
The 47 students are eight semester students who will take part in an International Elective Program at University of Malaya (UM) and International Medical University (IMU) in Malaysia starting from July 16 through July 20, 2018. Dean of the faculty said that the international student mobility was an implementation of international activities and fulfillment of learning in 24th block in the Study Program of Dentistry. “This event is one of the implementations of the vision of the Faculty of Dentistry as excellent family medicine that optimizes preventive efforts. We will equip the students with knowledge on the most recent technological development in dentistry,” drg. Budiono explained.
“While in Malaysia, they will attend some clinical class on Forensic Dentistry. They can also learn in the laboratory dealing with deal problem treatments. In the elective practice, the students will later get additional materials on nursing for children using inhalation anesthetic and also a chance to practice using highly technological tools,” he added. “The event also becomes a medium for the Faculty of Dentistry at Unimus to start promoting itself in the field of dental education both in the domestic and international spheres. The students are expected to also have extensive view on dentistry at least on Asia level. The can also stimulate the learning interests dealing with dentistry,” he said. “The further agenda will be to take students of University of Malaya (UM) and International Medical University (IMU) Malaysia to the Faculty of Dentistry of Unimus,” he closed.
On the occassion, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, the Rector, stated that the International Student Mobility as a routine program of Unimus would be bebeficial for the students to improve their professionalism as Unimus’ graduates. “The students of Unimus’ Faculty of Dentistry need to exhange experiences with foreign friends and also those from Indonesia in accordance with dental science, which suppports the development of professional dentistry,” the Rector added. “By now, Unimus has had intensive cooperations with overseas institutions to intensify the internationalisatio. Hopefully, the graduates of Unimus will be well-prepared to cope with the global market. They can not only work in Indonesia but in areas all around the universe,” the Rector asserted.