Semarang | Unimus (July 2, 2018) Alhamdulillah, the operating license Master’s Program in Clinical Laboratory Science (Medical Laboratory Science) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang has been granted based on the the Decree of The Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education No. 452/KPT/I/2018. Copy of the letter was handed-over by Prof. Dr. DYP. Sugiharto, the Coordinator of the Coordination of Private Higher Education Institutions of Area VI Central Java. to Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd., the Rector of Unimus.
The Rector of Unimus after receiving the letter stated that the Applied Master’s Program in Clinical Laboratory Science, which was the one and only in Indonesia, would receive the very first new student enrollment in the academic year 2018/2019. “We are optimistic that the applicants will be plentiful and the market has been obvious, which is lecturers in Undergraduate and Diploma III programs in Health Analyst at higher education institutions. As for the first recruitment period, our target is 20 new students,” Prof. Masrukhi said. Meanwhile, Prof. DYP Sugiharto in his speech suggested the administrator of the newly opened study program to immediately do promotions, so that in the new academic year, learning process could be held.

Prof. Dr. Masrukhi added that what had been done by his party was a part of commitment and effort to make Unimus become a University for the Excellence. “We are always keen to get high achievements in various fields as well as implement the four obligations of higher education institutions under Muhammadiyah, where we will continuously optimize 8 faculties existing at Unimus today,” he explained. The new student enrollment in the Master’s Program in Medical Laboratory Technology will be divided into 2 periods. Period will be open until July 31, 2018; meanwhile, period 2 will be between 1 and 31 August 2018. With the operation of the study program, Unimus now has already had 24 study programs in total.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol