Semarang | As a member of Presidential Advisory Board (Watimpres), Prof. Dr. A. Malik Fadjar held work visit and dialogue at University level in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus). Some chairpersons of Central Java Provincial Executive of Muhammadiyah and its management, Provincial Executive of Aisyiyah, Semarang Regional Executive of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah in Cetntral Java, and Principals of Muhammadiyah High School and Vocational School were engaged in this event. Prof. Dr. Malik Fadjar went to Unimus as one of Wantimpres agenda to visit Central Java from 1-3 August 2018.
Rector of Unimus, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi acted as moderator during the dialog (03/08/2018). In such program held on the Hall of RSGM Unimus, Prof. Dr. A. Malik Fadjar strongly expressed that Muhammadiyah is one of big organizations in Indonesia and gives great contribution for this country since pre-Independence era, in Independence era and post Independence era. Muhammadiyah’s biggest dream is to make Indonesia become a great country. “Muhammadiyah today is turning 106 year-old, it means that this organization could survive, has brief outcome and as sincerity symbol of its management. As big organization in this country, it is expected that nobody play with Muhammadiyah.” elaboated Prof. Malik Fadjar.
Prof. Dr. Malik Fadjar answered questions from participants in RSGM Hall of Unimus
As the former Minister of Education and Culture, he also hope that every executive of Muhammadiyah in every level could be able to lead this organization into a great progress that can be indicated by several factors such as growth, excellent performance and continuity. In addition, this organization needs to be more functional to public. “Aqidah is always be our focus in every path we make.” Said Malik Fadjar. At this special occasion, Prof. Malik Fadjar also expressed his pride to Unimus because this university has successfully built sophisticated Dental and Oral Hospital (Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut/RSGM). Besides, today this university has just opened the one and only new study program, Master of Medical Laboratory Science among state and private universities. “I have been watched Unimus development until now it becomes one of “progressive” University icon in Semarang and I am proud of that achievement” he ended.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol