The Contingent of Unimus Tapak Suci Tournament participants joined the opening ceremony

Semarang | Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) organized “Unimus Tapak Suci Tournament” on 06-10 August 2018. This events was organized by Student Activity Unit (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa/UKM) of Tapak Suci Unimus and followed by several contingents of Tapak Suci from SMP, SMA and SMK Muhammadiyah in Central Java from Brebes, Pekalongan, Kendal, Semarang, Salatiga, Magelang, Blora and Rembang. Also attended by the secretary of Youth and Sports Department of Central Java, this agenda was opened by Vice Rector for Students Affairs of Unimus.

Vice Rector III of Unimus with coaches and juries of Unimus Tapak Suci tournamentVice Rector III of Unimus, Drs. Samsudi Raharjo, MM, MT opened the tournament in At Taqwa mosque of Unimus on Monday (06/08/2018) and expressed that this annual event was expected to tighten the silaturahmi between Muhammadiyah members, to search students talent of Tapak Suci. Besides being such talent search for martial art, this event was organized to preserve the cultural heritage of Indonesia so it can be more familiar among Indonesian people” said Vice Rector III.

Vice Rector of III Unimus, Drs. Samsudi Raharjo, MM, MT opened the events

Muhammad Syaifudin, the chairperson of this activity stated that the theme of the tournament was “Bersama Tapak Suci, Kita Raih Prestasi”. “All teams compete in several categories such as women and man fighting class, single art tapak suci stance class, and double art class. The champion was awarded trophy from Rector, money and certificate of appreciation. In addition, the 1st-3rd best fighters will be granted scholarship from Unimus.” said Muhammad Syaifudin.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol

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