Participants enthusiastically raised questions in discussion session of the workshop

Semarang│ (28/8/2018) Writing is habit, it means that you are accustomed to write, then it will easier for you to write. Unfortunately, the culture of writing among teachers and lecturers are relatively low. Although today there are several program or workshop about writing, the fact that they still experience difficulties in expressing their idea into interesting and good written form. The similar thing happen in Faculty of Economics in Universities Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus). Considering this phenomenon, this faculty proudly organised “Workshop in writing reference book for Teachers and Lecturers” on Tuesday (28/8/2018). This event was held in the NRC Hall Building and followed by 40 participants including teachers in Semarang and lecturers of FE.

The Dean of FE, Dr. Hardi Winoto, M.Si. stated that reference book is highly demanded books for many customers, so it can be such opportunities for teachers and lecturers to share the knowledge and get some money. “After joining this workshop, participants are expected to publish their own reference books. It will definitely grow and develop literacy athmosphere in schools and universities” explained Dr. Hardi. “In addition, producing reference book with ISBN will give more credits for functional grade promotion for both teachers and lecturers,” he added.

Dr. Hardi Winoto presented the material in front of participants

Presenting outstanding speakers such as Dr. Hardi Winoto and Dr. Eny Winaryati, Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (FMIPA), the workshop was very interactive. The first presentation from Dr. Hardi Winoto explained about material related to how develop the idea in writing reference book and gave definition of good reference book. While the participants looked so enthusiast in the whole workshop session. “Today, it’s the time for Indonesian teachers and lectures to design theory and to manifest their ideas into reference book. Thus, students or readers will be more open to receive various explanation from several sources,” closed Dr. Hardi.


Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol


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