Semarang | Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM) of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) organised Masa Ta’aruf (MASTA) (Orientation of IMM) for new students of Unimus in the Academic Year 2018/2019. This activity was conducted for two days from Friday (7/9) to Saturday (8/9). This agenda raised “Membangun Insan Intelektual Berpribadi Untuk Unimus Berkemajuan” as a theme. Luckily, it had special guest from the presidential special staff (Division of International Religion), Pradana Boy ZTF, Ph.D.

Pradana said that students need to be grateful of being accepted in Unimus. “It means that you have your way to become activist. Being activist, you have to perform something good. You have to be optimistic that you have chose the right departments. Don’t be pessimistic.” Pradana also added that students take their time wisely, because it full of parents’ struggle and tears. In addition, he asserted that good students should be aware of manner, attitude and morale in getting along with people in the society.

Head of Institute of Islamic and Muhammdiyah Study (LSIK) Unimus, Rohmat Suprapto, S.Ag, M.Si expressed that students should use their logic, intellectuality and religiosity to analyse what is going on in their surrounding. .” IMM as an organisation in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang play its role to realize dakwah in campus and its surrounding. MASTA is expected to raise and stimulate generation with strong character and intellectuality in supporting dakwah IMM,” he ended. Another presenter was also invited to share the material about students movement. She was Dr. Eny Winaryati, M.Pd.



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