Semarang | At least 469 students of cross-major class year 2018-2019 joined students orientation. This activity was held in RSGM Hall of Unimus on Sunday (23/09/2018). In this year, Unimus organised cross-major class program for 7 study programs such as S1 Statistics (43), D4 Health Analyst (248), D3 Health Analyst (50), S1 Public Health (33), S1 Machine Engineering (21), S1 Electronic Engineering (19), and S1 Nutrition Study Program (55).

Prof. Masrukhi, in his speech stated that to be good student, someone has to own great time management. She/he should be able to manage the time to work and study well in order to reach success. “Do you have any idea of why should we upgrade our education quality? It is because we life in disruptive era, where quality of Human Resource is the main consideration to any challenge and demands. In addition, education qualification is the indicator of it,” elaborated the Rector.

After opening the students’ orientation for cross-major class, Rector that was accompanied by Vice Rectors, put the alma mater jacket and delivered the Students Card to the representative students symbolically. Also at that moment, students got new information from Vice Rector I, II of Unimus. Dr. Sri Darmawati (Vice Rector I) explained about academics stuff, while Vice Rector II, Dr. Sri Rejeki, M.Kep. Sp.Mat elaborated about ethics, norms, regulation of being new students.

New students of Cross-major class also got material about Information and Technology from the Head of UPT TIK, Ahmad Fatturrahman, M.Kom, International Relationship from Head of KUIK, M.Yusuf, M.Si,Ph.D, literacy from Head of Library, M. Firdaus CN, S.Hum. and students stuff from the Head of BAAK, Rosita Lihasari, S.Sos, M.Si. Finally the agenda was continued to Faculty Orientation in each faculties.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol