Semarang│UNIMUS (28/12/2018) Lecturer of Chemistry Education Study Program of FMIPA Unimus, Endang Tri Wahyuni Maharani has successfully gained her Doctor of Education in Management Education of Post-Graduate and Doctoral Program of Unnes (Universitas Negeri Semarang). Endang defended her dissertation entitled “Pengembangan Model Manajemen Pelatihan Instrumentasi Kimia Berbasis Kompetensi Bagi Dosen Kimia Analis Kesehatan” in front of her promotor, Prof. Dr. Rasdi Ekosiswoyo, M.Sc. and Co-Promotor, Prof. Dr. Tri Joko Raharjo, M.Pd and member of promotor, Dr. Kardoyo, M.Pd. on Friday, 28 December 201. She graduated from Unnes cum laude. Prof. Dr. H. Achmad Slamet, M.Si. congratulated and stated that Dr. Dra. Endang Tri Wahyuni Maharani, M.Pd. is the 219th doctor in Management Education Study Program of Unnes.
A lecturer and mother of 2 daughters and 1 son expressed that great lecturer should own prominent role in developing students’ potential. This capability becomes good beginning in learning process and it also can be enhanced through joining several workshop or training. Such systematic training that is well-managed will obviously create qualified lecturers.“Conducting training to chemistry lecturers in Health Analyst Study Program is the solution to optimise their capability”, said Endang.
Left to right: Vice Rector I Unimus, Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si., Dr. Dra. Endang Tri Wahyuni Maharani, M.Pd. and Rector of Unimus, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd.
By applying Research and Development method in her research, Endang employed four Health Analyst lecturers (both in public and private institution) in Semarang. “This model of Competence-Based Curriculum training management for health analyst lecturers is designed as the result of needs analysis found in participants of training by implementing management function, such as: planning, organising, implementing, evaluating, monitoring as well as conducting follow up activity to recognise professional capability in chemistry instrumentation learning process,” asserted Endang. “This model is found to enhance lecturers’ professionalism in implementing chemistry instrumentation. In addition, this model fullfilled several requirement such as curriculum, hand out, and good instructor” she said. Endang expected that her findings would not only give theoretical contribution but also practical one for the sake of quality improvement of training institute and health analyst lecturers.
Dr. Endang Tri Wahyuni Maharani, M.Pd and family
Dr. Endang Tri Wahyuni Maharani, M.Pd. gave the best present ever to Unimus in the end of 2018. She became the second doctor in Chemistry Education Study Program and 34th Doctor in Unimus. Prof. Dr. Masrukhi expressed his gratitude as Endang’s achievement and expected that the new doctor will strengthen Unimus in the future. In addition, the new title is expected to increase Dr. Endang’s professionalism as lecturer. He also wished that Model developed by Dr. Endang will be such positive contribution to the development of Higher Education in Indonesia.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol