Semarang | (26/12/2018) Diploma Program of Nutrition Science in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held an annual nutrition exhibition as the substitution of Final Examination of Practice of Nutrition Counselling (Penyuluhan Konseling Gizi/PKG). This activity themed “Be Healthy, Eat Well, Life Well” was held in NRC Hall of Unimus where many 5th semester students participated in.

Salsa Bening, S.Gz, M.Gizi., as one of the lecturers of PKG stated that this exhibition enable students to design and create media to educate people about nutrition, e.g. leaflet, booklet, poster, and banner. “We do hope that this media can be spread out at least in Unimus vicinity, share the information about good nutrition as the preventive action to particular diseases and what is nutritious food to be consumed,” she explained. Not only media were displayed in the exhibition, but also several stands or booth providing anthropometric measurement, checking someone’s nutrition status, nutrition counselling, food and beverage bazaar, and attractive Photo Booth. Hopefully, in the future, this exhibition can be conducted in external scope (outside Unimus) to broaden the target of exhibition and education about nutrition.