Semarang │ April 3, 2017 Rector of the University of Muhamadiyah Semarang (Prof. Dr. Masrukhi., M.Pd.) accompanied by the Vice Rector II (Dr. Sri Rejeki., M.Kep., Sp.Kep.Mat.) received the visit of Lea Marjorie Sanchez, a French volunteer (Lea Marjorie Sanchez) on Monday, March 3, 2017. Under Mid-Term Volunteering Dejavato Foundation program, she will be volunteering at Unimus for two and a half month, starting from April until June 15. During the period of time, she will join English Education study program, Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture and voluntarily company the lecturers of the study program when teaching in all study programs at Unimus. Lea Marjorie Sanchez, born in L’Isle D’Espagnac, France, will share knowledge, have intercultural discussion and also motivate students, teachers as well as the rest of Unimus’ academicians to speak English to communicate.

The rector said thank you to her for her willingness to temporarily join and held Unimus and hoped that the chance could be utilized optimally by all study programs. He added that “It is expected that the event can give benefits both for the volunteer and Unimus, and provide some experiences for the students and lecturers, especially in case of direct interactions and cultural changes with the foreign volunteer. The program may also give meaningful contributions to the realization of the vision of Unimus: to become excellent, distinctive, technology-based and international minded.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol