Semarang | On Desember 28th, 2016 Faculty of Engineering of Unimus in collaboration with K3, LPJK and the Environmental Assembly (MLH) of Central Java Provincial Executive Board of Muhammadiyah (PWM), held a national seminar at the Grasia Hotel, Semarang. The event was held by the Vice Rector III, the Head of MLH, the Head of PWM, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, the lecturers and also the rest of the faculty’s academicians.
The event began with a welcoming speech by the Vice Rector III, who explained that occupational health and safety (K3) at work had been just taken for granted, a God-given that was considered just a kind of primary need at work. Thus, in the event, the topic to discuss was K3. The participants of the seminar that included health workers, technicians, teachers, lecturers as well as students gave useful information for workers, regardless the fields of work the belonged to.
On the other hand, the Head of MLH stated that the partnership between PWM and K3 was one of the main activities of MLH in accordance with creating a nature-minded high level occupational health and safety at work. Meanwhile, the representative of LPJK added that the development of construction services in Central Java aimed at enhancing the socialization of science in construction services, collaborated with some higher education institutions in Indonesia, especially those having Faculties of Engineering. Unimus was one of them.
The level K3 would be considered poor if an accident occurred at work. Thus, the importance of K3 needs to be taken seriously. All this time, the government has required all projects and factories in Indonesia to include K3 in their systems. However, there are some problems that haven’t been solved all this time, dealing with the lack of sufficient infrastructure provided by the government. It is expected that some new occupational health and safety that are still being prepared by the lawmakers will include the policy on K3 as well as the infrastructure. It is also hoped that they will be applied properly in either projects or factories in Indonesia.

In order to start good cooperation, the Faculty of Engineering, Unimus signed a contract with LPJK and K3. It was held amidst the seminar. The contract signing was aimed at having good partnerships with both of the parties.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and JIPC