Semarang | December 7th, 2016, University of Muhammadiyah Semarang held a staff building event for the lecturers and administrative staff members of the university today in the Nursing Research Center (NRC) building of the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences today. The staff building was directly led by the Rector (Prof. Dr. H. Masrukhi, M.Pd.), which was also attended by the Vice Rector I (Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si.), the Vice Rector II (Dr. Hj. Sri Rejeki, S.Kp., M.Kep., Sp.Mat.), all of the university’s lecturers as well as the senior leaders of the administrative board. In such a great opportunity, Mr. Prof. DYP. Sugiharto, M.Pd.Kons. (The Coordinator of the Coordination of Private Higher Education Region VI/Kopertis VI) of Central Java Province) was invited to be the guest speaker. The event was held in order to improve the quality of the University as an institution.

The Rector in his speech stated that the event was useful and thus needed to be held periodically for the sake of the university’s development. He also congratulated Mr. Prof. Dr. DYP. Sugiharto, M.Pd.Kons. for being elected as the coordinator of Kopertis VI in charge of educational affairs for the second time. The Rector also urged all the participants to not leave the event till it ended.

Mr. Prof. Dr. DYP. Sugiharto in his speech discussed about university quality improvement and development that has to be re-checked periodically. As for the Statute, he urged the need of including the academic mechanism within the Statute. He added that a higher educational institution absolutely relies its quality on the quality it the lecturers, as it influences the quality of learning as well as that of the graduates. And, a higher education institution has to have ‘something to sell’ so that it is able to prepare the students to compete in the real life. Furthermore, one of the qualifications of a lecturer is he or she minimally has had a postgraduate certificate. Besides, he congratulated Unimus on the success of getting the predicate “B” for the institutional accreditation (AIPT) rating. He hoped that the university could improve its quality and deal with the future plans.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations & JIPC