Semarang│UNIMUS (27/8/2018) Everyone must be familiar with this beautiful yet strong girl, Aries Susanti Rahayu, Asian Games athlete from Taruman Village in Grobogan Regency who won gold medal for Indonesia. Aries Susanti Rahayu also students of Undergraduate Program of Management in Faculty of Economics in Unimus. She has created history to won gold medal in women’s speed climbing at the Asian Games 2018. Besides, she also got gold medal in world event of International Federation of Sport Climbing World Cup Mei 2018 held in Chongqing China, gold medal in International Climbing Elite Tournament in September 2018 in Anshun China, she also gained gold medal in Belt and Road International Climbing Master Tournament on 9-10 October 2018 in Huaian China and at last won gold medal in International Federation of Sport Climbing (IFSC) World Cup on 20-21 October held in Wuijiang China.

Beautiful girl who always wear her hijab visited Unimus on Thursday (27/12/2018) to encourage and motivate her juniors. She talked and shared her experience in a Talkshow entitled “Ayo Kita Bisa, Berbagi Sukses, Semangat dan Motivasi Bersama Aries Susanti Rahayu” that was held in RSGM Hall of Unimus. In front of hundreds of students, Ayu, Aries’ nickname shared the motivation and tricks to achieve succes. “Process is needed to achieve success, it si not accidentally appears in our life. In order to reach my success, I do need at least 11 years to get all of these. See, 11 years is not a short time. Within eleven years, I practice hard with spirit full and join numerous championship. Ayu explained. “We need to have strong mentality, discipline and workhard to reach success.” She added. In an interesting talkshow moderated by the Dean of FE Unimus, Dr. Hardiwinoto, M.Si., Ayu encouraged all of the students to appreciate their times, use their time to something useful, study and work hard to achieve their goals of life. She also said that students of Unimus must love their parents and pray harder because success can not be reached without parents’ blessings and the will of God. “In order to reach success, we need so many things. First thing first is to believe in our own potential. Besides, you must respect your teachers, lecturers and ask for parents’ blessing.” She ended.
“From now on, Aries Susanti is still registred as Unimus students, especially in Undergraduate Program of Management, she also has taken at least 63 SKS. Ayu enrolled Unimus by scholarship program for athlete such as beasiswa prestasi KONI (PERKONI)” explained the Dean of FE Unimus. At that moment, Ayu also expressed her gratitude to society of Unimus academician for your never-ending supports so far. “All of these achievement can not be separated from my beloved lecturers in Unimus, I’m also able to study here because Unimus scholarship program. I do expect that I can soon accomplish my study here.” Ayu elaborated.
Left to right: Vice Rector III Unimus, Dr. Samsudi Raharjo, M.T., M.M., Aries Susanti Rahayu, Dean of FE Unimus, Dr. Hardiwinoto, M.Si., and Head of Management Study Program, Drs. Triyono, M.M.
Rector of Unimus, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi offered Ayu a scholarship program. “Unimus will help Ayu to finish her study and give such opportunity to her to continue her master degree with Unimus scholarship.” Rector said. He also said that Ayu’s rehearsal is very crowded. “Ayu has done a great work, however, education is also important thing to be achieved to support her carrier in the future. Here, Unimus facilitates Ayu to accomplish her study by attending the class using e-learning during her busy rehearsal days.” Said Rector. Rector also delivered brand new laptop for Aries Susanti Rahayu to support and facilitate Ayu in order to finish the study immediately.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol