Unimus Got New Doctor in the End of Year 2018
Semarang│UNIMUS (28/12/2018) Lecturer of Chemistry Education Study Program of FMIPA Unimus, Endang Tri Wahyuni Maharani has successfully gained her Doctor of Education in Management Education of Post-Graduate and Doctoral Program…
Aries Susanti Rahayu Visited and Motivated Unimus’ Students
Semarang│UNIMUS (27/8/2018) Everyone must be familiar with this beautiful yet strong girl, Aries Susanti Rahayu, Asian Games athlete from Taruman Village in Grobogan Regency who won gold medal for Indonesia.…
Nutrition Exhibition 2018
Semarang | (26/12/2018) Diploma Program of Nutrition Science in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held an annual nutrition exhibition as the substitution of Final Examination of Practice of Nutrition Counselling (Penyuluhan…
FIKKES is excited to present University Homecoming 2018
Semarang | Thousands of Nursing and Health Sciences alumni in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang are great potential for the sake of Unimus development and for alumni themselves. Their contribution such as…
Seminar on Nursing about Reducing Maternal Mortality Rate
Semarang | As the manifestation and efforts to reduce maternal mortality rate, the Undergraduate Nursing program of FIKKES (Faculty of Nursing and Health) Unimus held a seminar entitled “Evidence Based…
National Consumer Protection Board (BPKN) of Republic of Indonesia Held “Goes to Campus” Program at Unimus
Semarang | As the national consumer protection board stipulated in Law No. 8 Year 1999, BPKN is responsible for disseminating information about consumer protection through media and also socialize consumer…
تنظيم التاسع والعشرون | من المتوقع أن يكون خريجو الجامعة من المحترفين والإسلام في عصر الألفية
سيمارانج | يوم الثلاثاء في تاريخ ٦ بالشهر نوفمبر في العام ٢٠١٨، على الأقل ٩٢١ من خريجي الجامعة سيمارانج المحمدية ، وهم ينضمون بيت الأرقم بعد دراسات في مركز أبحاث…
Unimus Handover Dentistry Professional Education Program to RSGM
Semarang | Friday (09/11/2018) Faculty of Dentistry of Unimus handover dentistry professional education program to Unimus Dental and Oral Hospital. There were 33 students passed and became the Bachelor of…
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