Semarang | Talking about Blended Learning is something related to face to face and virtual learning at once. Thus, nowadays term of blended learning becomes the interesting issue in education section along with the rapid technology development. Facing that challenge, Chemistry Education Study Program in Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang organised workshop on blended learning entitled “Workshop Blended Learning Pada Pelajaran Kimia Menunjang Era 4.0 Menggunakan LMS Schoology dan Software Marvin Sketch”, on WednesdayRabu (18/09/2019). The agenda was conducted in FK Hall of Unimus and participated by hundreds of audience from SMA/SMK in Central Java.
Vice Rector III of Unimus, Dr. Samsudi Rahardjo, M.M. , M.T. attended the opening ceremony and welcomed the participants. He stated that learning process is the two-way process that demand feedback between teacher and students. “A balanced and proportional teaching method both conventional and virtual or blended learning is needed to vary the learning process. The combination of virtual and conventional teaching allow teacher and students to interact face to face and also allow them to communicate through the use of technology that can be accessed wherever and whenever.” He explained.
There are 4 (four) speakers in this Workshop on Blended Learning. Fitri Fatichatul Hidayah, M.Pd. (Lecturer of FMIPA Unimus) as the first speaker explained about “Blended Learning in Chemistry Subject for SMA Students.“, then the second speaker, Eko Yuliyanto, S.Pd.Si, M.Pd. (Lecturer of FMIPA Unimus) elaborated about “LMS ; Schoology”, and Dr. Yosef Wijoyo, M.Si, Apt as the third speaker, discussed about “Reflection on Learning, and at last, material about “Marvin and Chemistry Computation” was revealed by Enade Perdana Istyastono, Ph.D., Apt.