Kanazawa Ι (06/11/2019) Internalisation and globalisation is something inevitable for higher education institution. Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang that own vision such as international reputation actively participate in international process. By synergising with the vision of Unimus, three lecturers from Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program such as Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si, Nasruddin, Ph.D and Arya Iswara, Msi.Med. conducted collaboration research with University of Kanazawa in Japan. They visited Kanazawa University of Japan from 4 – 10 November 201.

Several students participated in short course about immuno-histochemistry under Dr. Kanae Mukai advisory (Kanazawa University).

For a week, they engaged in scientific activities related to plasma technology for health that were implemented through conducting academic discussion, visiting plasma laboratory, presenting the scientific paper, and Mou Signing between Unimus and University of Kanazawa. The agenda was attended by several experts from University of Kanazawa (Plasma technology) such as Prof. Junko Sugama, Prof. Nakatani, Prof. Tatsuo Ishijima and Ass. Prof. Ogai

“Here we conduct collaboration research, discuss about laboratory and its management related to plasma technology in healing particular diseases. In addition, we also visit plasma laboratory in Kakuma campus. We present our paper in front of higher education institution in Japan, and vice versa” explained Dr. Sri Darmawati.

Sri Darmawati  presented scientific article about “Plasma medicine and decontamination of wound chronic related bacteria” while Nasruddin, Ph.D presented “Plasma medicine for wound healing”. Both lecturers and students of TLM Unimus participated in short course in Kanazawa University.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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