Semarang | Health is human basic needs. In fulfilling that basic needs, dentist as the health worker require excellent knowledge and skill as well as high integrity to support the realisation of qualified dentist health service.To be a professional dentist, good and qualified profession education is absolutely the determinant factor.



In answering that issue, Faculty of Dentistry in Unimus organises Socialisation of Dentist Profession Student Program Competency Test on Monday (22/10/2018) at RSGM Hall of Unimus. This agenda is presented Dr. drg. Kosterman Usri, M.M. a National Committee of Dentist Profession Student Program Competency Test (UKMP2DG), and this socialisation embraced “Meraih Sukses UKMP2DG” joined by dentist profession students program in Unimus. This agenda aims at warranting the quality of dentist graduate in accordance to Indonesia Medical Doctor Competence Standard (SKDI) based on Act Number 20 year 2013 concerning Medical Education.



This socialisation is attended by the Dean of Dentistry Faculty, drg. Budiono, M.Pd. In his splendid speech, drg. Budiono expects that dentist profession students should be able to get the knowledge optimally from National Committee of UKMP2DG. “You have to be better persons after joining this socialisation. There are thousands dentist who has passed the competency test and I am pretty sure that you will be the one of it.” Said drg. Budiono.




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