Rektor Unimus Prof. Dr. Masrukhi welcomed the participants and opened the general lecture

Semarang │Unimus (16/10/2018) Faculty of Public Health (FKM) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang organised general lecture presenting Directorate General of Diseases Prevention and Control (P2P) Ministry of Health, dr. Anung Sugihantono, M.Kes. By promoting interesting theme about challenge of Public Health graduates entitled “Peluang dan Tantangan Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat dalam Upaya Peningkatan Kesehatan, Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Penyakit”, this general lecture was held in RSGM Hall on Tuesday (16/10/2018). The agenda was opened by Rector of Unimus and participated by Public Health students and lecturers in Unimus.

Prof. Dr. Masrukhi (Rector) opened the general lecture

Rector of Unimus welcomed this general lecture and said that this event was very special because it presented the Director General of Diseases Prevention and Control (P2P) of Ministry of Health. “Health doesn’t always deal with the medication but is also strongly related to health prevention and maintenance. As the Public Health graduates, we should have great contribution to society. That is why, you (students) as the prospective Bachelor of Public Health must educate people about healthy live.” Said Rector. “The competitive of FKM graduate is indicated by the numbers of graduates that work in both state or private health institution aboard. Unimus provides hard skill such as great knowledge about public health and soft skills.” Said Rector.

Director General of Diseases Prevention and Control (P2P) Ministry of Health presented the material for general lecture

For two hours, dr. Anung asked 320 FKM students to actively participated to become prospective public health workers that always try to improve themselves, prevent and control the diseases. A medical doctor that was born on Temanggung said that being health is such a dream of many people. Healthy means that someone has healthy physical, spiritual, social, and productive. Being healthy is also Human Rights in accordance to article 4-8 Act 36 year 2006, it includes rights to have healthy environment. The simplest example is to make sure that they are free from any air pollution because of smoking. FKM students has to promote bravely about smoking prohibition. “Another rights of health is to get good information and education about health. You, as the prospective Bachelor of Public Health will have great opportunity and role to provide health information and education to society.” Explained dr. Anung.

Discussion session after general lecture

Dr. Anung added that Bachelor of Public Health also have to answer the challenge and threat. What are that? “Biological threat such as spread of disease, chemistry threat such as chemical pollution, and physical threat such as radioactive threat, food composition threat, and microbial resistance threat may attack us. However, we have to concern about numerous overseas health workers in Indonesia nowadays, health technology, social, and politics.” Anung added. In the end of the session, he stated that prospective Bachelor of Public Health should be aware of five thinking orders. “Bachelor of Public Health should own ability of “Detect” to investigate or as radar to detect such phenomenon happened in the society related to public health. In addition, you have to be “Responsive“, it is to deploy any existing resources. Another thing is “Protect“, you should protect any vulnerable group and people in isolated area. After that keep on “Focus” to healthy people (based on the human life cycle/Continuum of Care). Finally, you have to be able to “Promote” public health to your environment.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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