Gubug, December 28, 2017, Students of Public Health Study Program in the Faculty of Public Health of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus), held a community service in Ngroto Village, Gubug Sub-district, Grobogan Regency. The activity was conducted by those taking Field Learning Practice (Praktik Belajar Lapangan/PBL) course, accompanied by Didik Sumanto, S.K.M, M.Kes.) as the academic advisor. The event was also attended by the Head of the Village and some officers in charge with Disease Control and Eradication (P2P/Pengendalian dan Pemberantasan Penyakit) from Puskesmas Gubug II, a nearby Public Health Center.
There were two programs in the community service conducted by the team. They were socialization on Healthy Community Movement (Gerakan Masyarakat Sehat/GERMAS) and Integrated Service Post (Pos Pembinaan Terpadu/POSBINDU). Activities done included counseling on early detection of non-infectious diseases, providing additional food for elderly, and medical check-ups, such as blood, cholesterol and acid uric tests.
Didik Sumanto, the field supervisor/lecturer from the Faculty of Public Health at Unimus, stated that the Field Learning Practice that had been going on for a month was aimed at giving the students experience in building network that involved the community, public figures, religious leaders as well as health workers at public health centers during activities in health sector” Didik explained. “We hope that there will be the follow-up of the POSBINDU, by the community. It will be more and more useful if becomes a routine activity that involves the community and is assisted by the village government, in accordance with health sector” he added.
Meanwhile, Endriastuti, one of the students, hoped that from the socialization, some non-infectious diseases as early as possible. “At first, POSBINDU targeted youngsters in the village, but because of the difficulty gathering them, the socialization was given door to door or by way of visiting organizations or attending youth forums. Today, Posbindu is held also to improve the health of the elderly,” she revealed.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol