Semarang | 10 January 2020, Electronic Engineering Undergraduate Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang held expert lecture invited Agus Ulinuha. ST. MT., P.hD., lecturer of Electronic Engineering of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta (UMS). This program was attended by Head of Electronic Engineering Department, Achmad Solichan, S.T., M.Kom, Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, Dr. Purnomo, M.Eng, Lecturers of FT Unimus and all students. Chairperson of this event, Dina Mariani, SST., MT reported that this agenda was a compulsory one for students for by joining this event students will get more information about renewable energy and any new perspective of electric power system in the future.
This exert lecture will be scheduled annually in FT Unimus, especially in Electronic Engineering Undergraduate Program. Promoting actual theme about renewable energy entitled “Energy Terbarukan dan Presfektif Baru Sistem Tenaga Listrik”, this lecture aimed at providing information and broader insight to students. “Every existing fuel in this world are considered as non renewable energy and will absolutely extinct immediately along with the massive development of population” explained Achmad Solichan. “For that reason, this expert lecture is expected to give more knowledge and information about renewable energy or any innovation about alternative energy. Nowadays, we use non renewable fossil energy.” He added. We should think about creating innovation to use alternative energy.
Achmad Solechan hoped that students will be more active to update any information about renewable energy that vital to our lives. “This theme is very appropriate to provide good information and insight about alternative energy or renewable energy that needs to be prepared from now on for the sake of humanity.
Reported by Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol