Semarang | Talking about the development of curriculum 2013, in fact, we are not only discuss about its rapid and significant content change, but also the implementation of learning process and assessment system. This development is supported by the Act of Permendikbud No. 20 Year 2016 about Competency Standard (SKL) and Permendikbud No. 24 Year 2016 about Core Competence (Kompetensi Inti) and Basic Competence (Kompetensi Dasar) on Elementary and Secondary Education. Those explanation was being discussed by Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd. on Practitioner Lecture on Friday (19/10/2018) in Unimus Rectorate building 406. This event is organised by English Education Department of Unimus themed “Dynamics of Curriculum 2013 and 21th Century Learning”

Dr. Siswanto added that the framework of curriculum development is supported by any national policies through 21st Century Competence including 4 C (Communication, Collaborative, Critical Thinking, & Creativity). “One of the demand of 21st competency is the ability to understand information analytically, critically and reflectively. Therefore, school institution has massive responsibility to grow or improve students’ reading interests.” He also expects that students of PBI Unimus will be able to create a lively class in the future, it means to make students more active, critical and understand about any knowledge being taught.

As the Head of English Education Department, Muhimatul Ifadah, M.Pd. in her speech stated that there are so many things students must master to be prospective teacher in the future. “You have to master various teaching competencies and soft skills to be good teacher. Do not even think that you have enough knowledge. Everyday, you have to upgrade any information and knowledge to teach your students in the future.” She ended.