Semarang | Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held Personal Branding Workshop themed “How to Build Your Personal Branding” on Thursday (14/03/2019). This event aimed to provide students softskills before joining the learning process in International Medical University, Universiti Sains Islam, and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Dean of FKG Unimus, drg. Budiono M.Pd. stated that personal branding is one of the prominent things owned by a dentist. “Besides, this event was designed to accentuate the characteristic / excellence. It is expected that student will master softskill especially in handling good communication/maintain good public speaking.” he explained.

Such event that was participated by students and lecturers of FKG invited two speakers (presenter and practitioner in public speaking) such as Nezza Gozal and Adi Siswowidjono. Nezza Gozal shared the material about Personal Branding and Self Awareness while Adi Siswowidjono delivered material about Public Speaking. This event was ended by delivering token of appreciation for the speakers by Dean and Head of Department.