Semarang | (2/12/2019) One of the ways to develop the study program is to join collaboration with another institution, both national and international. To realise it, the Undergraduate Program of Mathematics and Chemistry Education of Unimus held expert lecture. Promoting the theme of “STEM Education Sustainable Development Goals” this expert lecture invited keynote speake, Assoc. Prof. Mazlini Adnan (Head of Undergraduate Program of Mathematics Education) and Dr. Asmayati Binti Yahya (Head of Undergraduate Program of Chemistry Edcucation) from University Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Malaysia. This agenda was attended by Rector of Unimus, Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd, Dean of FMIPA Unimus, Dr. Eny Winaryati, M.Pd, Head of Undergraduate Programs, Lecturers and hundred of students in Undergraduate Program of Mathematics Education and Chemistry Education in RSGM Hall of Unimus.

Welcoming speech from Rector of Unimus

This event was expected to create good collaboration between two different countries, so they can share and learn different cultures which will enrich the knowledge. “This era demands a collaboration. It can be separated to team work, problem solving, and creativity. Thus, collaboration and communication is important to create positivity in both countries and cultures for our students”, said the Dean of FMIPA. Through this event, our students can see how to design creative learning process in another country, especially in UPSI Malaysia. After watching it, students were expected to get any experience and know the theories and phenomena of teaching and learning process in another country. Students are expected to be excellent graduates. Dean of FMIPA also expects that activity such as student exchange, join research, and any other collaborations will be beneficial for both institution.

Speakers elaborated the material

Through STEM, teachers would trigger students to think critically and stimulate their passion of creativity and innovation to collaborate with another students. In addition, this method will stimulate students to be independent by solving their own problems in learning process, to create fun and interesting learning process, and eliminate “killer teacher” paradigm. “Using STEM will open your mind to be creative and innovative learner so you can be freely solve any problems encountered. Students also do not rely on teacher as the only one source of learning.” Said the speaker. STEM system also provides students to own good communication skill to express their idea and opinion that will make them to be more independent.

Rector, Lecturers, and Speakers took picture together after the event


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