Semarang (December 10, 2017) Lecturers and Students of the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) has just held a social service at Panti Wredha Harapan Ibu (Harapan Ibu Nursing Home) in Ngaliyan Subdistrict, Semarang City on December 9, 2017. The service was held in collaboration with Dharmawanita (civil servants’ wives association) of the City Government of Semarang and PT Rafi Citrapariwara Semarang. drg. Tegar Permadi Dinas Prakoso, Chairman of the Islamic Family Dentistry Unit in the Faculty of Dentistry at Unimus, as event’s committee chairman stated that the social service given included general medical checkup, dental checkup, and dental care.

“All this time, Mother’s Day on December 22 is very rarely celerabrated seriously. Meanwhile, it is obligatory to give special attention to our mothers. That is why this year the Faculty of Dentistry of Unimus gives special present to elderly women representig our mothers in form of this community service. We hope that through the event, they health will be better” drg. Budiono, M.Pd., dean of the faculty, revealed. The activity was crowded from 7 a.m to 12 a.m., beginning with doing gym together, following by free-of-charge medical checkup and treatment. The last activity is having lunch together. The social service was a form of participation of academicians in applying the Four Obligations of Muhammadiyah Higher Education in terms of community service.
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.