Executive Board of the Indonesian Dental Association, Branch of Semarang City and the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at Unimus after the MoU signing

Semarang │(September 23, 2017) Lecturers and students of the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held a social service on dental and oral health at several primary schools in Demak Regency. The event was held by collaborating with the Indonesian Dental Association pf Semarang City area and PT Unilever Indonesia. It was held as a community service in order to improve the community’s health during the National Dental health Month 2017. Themed “Healthy Smiles Now and Later towards Indonesia Free of Caries in 2030, it involved 5 lecturers and 24 students of the Faculty of Dentistry at Unimus.

Students and lecturers were involved in the primary students’ teeth examination.

Revealed by drg. Budiono, M.Pd., the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, the social service would be conducted in two terms, the first one would be on September 23 and the other one on October 24, 2017 in two primary schools in Demak Regency. “This event will be attended by 434 students of Daleman Primary School and 388 students of Tambakroto Elementary School, in Sayung Subdistrict, Demak Regency. The services given will include dental and oral counseling and examination. The social service is aimed at improving the students’ understanding on the importance of taking care of mouth and teeth since early stage, empowering individuals and community through the healthy school program under the supervision of the Indonesian Dental Association, increasing the number of teachers and students trained to make sure the healthy school program runs well, and increasing the percentage of under-12 children without permanent molar caries” he explained.

Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry was examining a student’s teeth.

This event was also used to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Faculty of Dentistry, Unimus and the Indonesian Dental Association of Semarang City. With the MoU signing, new cooperation that support educational activities, researches, and community services in the Faculty of Dentistry at Unimus can be further extended. The MoU is also expected to be able to improve the participation of the faculty in developing the healthy school program.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.

