Semarang | (May 12, 2016) Medical Emergency in dentistry is a kind of case that can be found during dental care processes. In spite of the decreasing number of medical emergency incidents recently, a dentist should be able to conduct the care in order to prevent any fatal risk. Thus, upgrade of skills is needed in order to equip each dentist capability to provide first care of medical emergency, especially in the field of dentistry as the skill required in the daily implementation of dentistry.
Dealing with it, the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held the Training on Basic Life Support for Dental Practice. The event was held in the Nursing Research Center (NRC) building of Unimus with some expert from AGD 118 Jakarta. The participants consisted of 47 students and 4 lecturers.

Several trainers from AGD 118 foundation, who are also lecturers at Unimus, gave contributions in the event. They were Ns. Ahmad Mustofa, M.Kep and Ns. Chanif MNS, training the participants about Basic Life Support. “Monitoring and evaluationare basic points in the assessment of severity level in a patient with balance disorder in medical emergency case. This step is important to understand and implement prior to directly dealing with the society in order to be able to identify any life-threatening certain condition,” Mustofa explained.
Meanwhile, Chanif in his presentation stated that Basic Life Support was a kind of care provided as immediately as possible and was aimed at terminating the process towards mortality. “The primary purpose is to protect vital organs such as brain from irreversible damages due to hypoxia dealing with inadequate blood circulation to the organs. It has to be done quickly for any delay in giving care will threaten the life of a patient,” Chanif explained.
After taking the short course, the students of the Faculty of Dentistry at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang would be able to practice how to give immediate care dealing with medical emergency cases. One of the implementations is by identifying the monitoring and evaluation on a patient’s condition as well as giving Basic Life Support care. These will become important skills prior to studying professional program in dentistry.