Unimus | Semarang | Students of the Faculty of Engineering at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) are encouraged simultantly to write articles on both mass media and newspapers. It is to hope their skill of writing and improve their reading culture. To deal with that, the faculty held a Workshop on Article Writing, which took place in the Nursing Research Building of Unimus on Wednesday, March 21, 2018. The guest speaker of the event was Rustam Aji, S.Ag. (Editor of Tribun Jateng) and Dr. RM. Bagus Irawan, M.Si., IPM. (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Unimus).

According to Rustam, ability to write an article needs to be supported with book and other literature reading habit. Hence, the students will have good understanding on any problem. “Writing an article on mass media needs a way and method. There are several things to pay attention when a student wants to write an article, essay, or opinion on mass media, especially printed mass media, such as newspapers. They are content actuality, argument, or new point of view. Use reliable references and make a brief but interesting title. ,” he explained.

The Dean added that the workshop would make the students could not only express their thoughts through students’ forums but also on mass media that would possibly be read by the public. “This workshop is a part of the empowerment of campus academic activities in the Faculty of Engineering at Unimus. Our expectation is that the students will become agents of change. After attending the event, hopefully, there would be the emergence of new writers in this faculty,” Dr. R. M. Bagus concluded.

Having some students having habit of writing will stimulate other students to write as well. The habit, for most students, will give significant impacts for the improvement of their intellectual qualities, because somehow, serious preparations are needed become someone starts to write. We can start from extracting ideas, collecting materials, comprehending materials, and then finally writing. Even, reading for a writer is basically obligatory. If were don’t like reading, it is difficult to get ideas, and our writings will barely be high quality.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol

