Semarang | October 28, 2016. After holding a graduation ceremony on October 25, 2016, the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences (FIKKES) held a professional oath ceremony on the following day, October 26, 2016 in the Convention Hall of Grasia Hotel, attended by 343 graduates, consisting of 38 graduates from Diploma III in Nursing, 13 graduates from DIII in Nutrition, 103 graduates from DIII in Health Analyst, 23 graduates from DIII in Midwifery, 98 graduates from DIV in Health Analyst, and 68 graduates from Professional Program in Nursing.

The event was also attented by the Vice Rector I (Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si.), the Dean of the Faculty (Dr. Budi Santosa, M.Kes.Med.), the Vice Dean I (Dr. Tri Hartiti, M.Kes.), the Vice Dean II (Dr. Ali Rosidi, M.Si.), the heads of the mentioned study programs, the academicians, also also the heads of some professional organizations such as PPNI, IBI, PATELKI, dan PERSAGI, and some religious leaders from various religions including Islam, Protestantism, and Catholicism. The professional oath ceremony was held integrally in order to facilitate new health workers to understand their responsibilities and duties so that they could become professional health workers able to improve their knowledge for the sake of improvement in serving people.
The Vice Rector I stated in stated in her speech that the oath was said not only on the lifs but also to be understood with full of responsibility, as the oath was not also listened by the audience but also Allah SWT. She added that every profession had a humanitarian responsibility that didn’t discriminate people according to their beliefs, ranks, groups, money or statuses in their jobs. They had to be able to work together and respect each other because of the relation to humanity. She hoped that science was not only learned at school. It should be like something learned forever. She hoped that the graduates would always strive to improve their knowledge in order to support their professions in regard with services to the community as well as to respect and not forget the teachers
Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and JIPC