Dean of FBBA at Unimus along with the main guest speaker in the opening ceremony.
Semarang | (August 9, 2017) Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture (FBBA) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the Change of Nomenclature of the Faculty of Foreign Language and Culture of Unimus, taking place in the Integrated Campus of Unimus in Kedungmundu on Wednesday (August 9, 2017). The discussion was officially opened by the Dean of FBBA, Yesika Maya Oktarani, SS., M.Hum.
Prof. Dr. Agus Maladi Irianto, M.A., as the main guest speaker, delivering a material on nomenclature change
Prof. Dr. Agus Maladi Irianto., M.A. (Former Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at Universitas Diponegoro) was invited as the primary guest speaker. Meanwhile, several other guest speakers came as the representatives of the stakeholders, alumni, students, and heads of study programs under FBBA and of other faculties.
According to Prof. Dr. Agus Maladi Irianto, the advancement of science and technology has to be adjusted with the dynamics of the stakeholders, so that the faculty’s name should be in line with the stakeholder’s development as well as can be accepted fully by the market. An appropriate naming can ‘lift’ the name of the institution. “A change of nomenclature is common thing. The basis of the establishment of a study program is science philosophy, which has 3 (three) important aspects such as ontology, epistemology, and axiology. It is also based on the division of sciences such as natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Once such reference has been proper, the next thing is how to market the newly established study program” revealed Prof. Agus. “We need to think about how to give the name of the faculty because we have to take into account the graduates’ title that has to be based on the regulations made by the Directorate of Higher Education (Dikti). The nomenclature needs to be changed in order to be not left behind by the other thar have ‘well-selling’ faculties and study programs,” he added.
Situation during the FGD on the nomenclature of FBBA, Unimus
The discussion session during the FGD ran very well and active between the stakeholder, alumni, students, lecturers, and senior leaders of the university. For the record, the representatives of the stakeholder are Dr. Siswanto (Headmaster of SMAN 9 Semarang), Atiek Indriyastuti, S.Pd. (SMAN 15 Semarang), Misbakhul Huda (SMAN 2 Semarang), Desi AP (Balai Bahasa of Central Java), Teguh (Radio of Republic of Indonesia), Sugeng Irianto (Kedaulatan Rakyat Newspaper), Pandhu Satyabrata (Indonesian Tourist Guide Association) dan Tyas (Indo Translation). Lecturers are organized by the study program head of English Literature (Diana Hardiyanti, S.S. M.Hum.) and the study program head of English Education (Muhimatul Ifadah, S.Pd., M.Pd.). Dean of FBBA at Unimus stated that the result of the discussion would be proposed in the Senate of the university, so that the university would have an academic text in accordance with the change or nonemclature of FBBA.