Semarang | (23/06/2019) Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences (Fikkes) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) held Professional oath-taking ceremony for nurses, nutritionists, and medical laboratory staff, and farewell for graduates of Nursing profession, S1 Nursing, D3 Medical Laboratory Technology (TLM), D4 TLM, S1 Nutrition, and S1 Food Technology. The event took place in FK Hall at Unimus. Vice Dean 1 reported that this event was participated by 148 graduates from Profession Program in Nursing, 94 graduates from S1 Nutrition, 53 graduates from D3 Medical Laboratory Technology (TLM) and 6 graduates from D-IV TLM, 11 graduates from nursing profession of UKSW Salatiga & UMSU Brebes. Whereas the farewell for graduates was also participated by 69 graduates from S1 Nursing and 19 graduates from S1 Food Technology. “The total participants of this professional oath-taking and farewell ceremony held on 23 June 2019 are 400 graduates” Dr. Tri Hartiti reported. “There are 242 graduates with cumlaude predicate (60,5%). The best graduates from Nursing department is Yuli Widiastuti (GPA 4,00), the best graduate from S1 Nursing is Aisyatul Al Finaunni’mah (GPA 3,71); the best graduate from S1 Food Technology is Azmi Kurniawati (GPA 3,84); the best graduate from S1 Nutrition is Emilia Arum Pratiwi (GPA 3,88); and the best graduate from D3 TLM is Siti Nadhiroh (GPA 3,63). Until today, Fikkes Unimus has successfully graduated at least 7.801 students to work in several institutions both in Indonesia and aboard,” she added.

Board of DPW PATELKI management in Central Java, Eko Joko Purwandyo, S.K.M., Board of DPW PPNI in Central Java, Eko Sadono, S.Kp., MARS, and DPD PERSAGI in Central Java, Bambang Supangkat, S.K.M. M.Si. inaugurated the graduates. This event was closed by the signing of oath text by representative of each program in front of professional organisation leaders and witnessed by the religious leaders. The event also attended by the Representative of District Level Health Office of Central Java, Dean of FIKKES, Dr. Budi Santosa, M.Si.Med. and Heads of Departments in FIKKES Unimus. In his welcoming speech, Dr. Budi Santosa, M.Si.Med. stated this moment should be the moment of change. “From illiterate to literate, from unskillful to be skilful, being better person, this is the point of competence. Thus, every study programs in this faculty must fulfil the stipulated standard of competencies by organising the competency test,” he ended.

In addition, Rahmah Nur Hayati, SKM., M.Kes (Head of SDK in District Level Health Office of Central Java) also said that today we encounter industrial revolution 4.0, where information and technology becomes the basis in human life. “Any unlimited things related to this, it will be possible that our job will be replaced by machine or robot. To distinguish us from any machine devices, health workers should develop integrity, character, humanism, caring, and leadership.


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