Yogyakarta | Thursday, May 24, 2018 – Taking place in the Meeting Room of the Research Unit for Natural Product Technology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (BPTBA LIPI) an MoU signing ceremony was held between the Research Unit for Natural Product Technology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (BPTBA LIPI), represented by the instance’s head, and the Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences of Unimus. The partnership aimed at improving research collaborations mainly food sector Hardi Julendra, S.Pt., M.Sc., the head of the Research Unit for Natural Product Technology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (BPTBA LIPI), stated that the priority research development was focused on functional food and traditional food packaging, food bio additive, chemical technology, and environmental sectors.

During the event, it was also discussed about the students’ opportunities to conduct thesis researches at the Research Unit for Natural Product Technology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (BPTBA LIPI), with the second advisors from the instance. Meanwhile, as for the materials, they would be supported by the instance and the research topics would be based on the priority researches. The cooperation would also be possible to be developed, i.e. in form of student field practices, field visits, and human resource partnerships in form of being guest speakers as well as researches.