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Poster HPS 36New Students of Food Technology Study Program were stimulated to be more concerned about things in their field by joining a sympathetic action to celebrate the 36th World Food Day in car free day area, Simpang Lima junction, Semarang. Accompanied by several lecturers of the study program, they took  a leisure walk while promoting to people the theme of the event, “Membangun Kedaulatan Pangan Berkelanjutan di Era Perubahan Iklim (Building Sustainable Food Sovereignty to Anticipate the Era of Climate Change)”, adapting the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)’s theme for the same event, entitled “Climate is Changing, Food Agriculture Must Too.” The celebration had been decided to be held on October 16, 2016, under the United Nation Resolution No. 1/1979 in Rome, Italy.

Meanwhile, the government of Indonesia held the 36th World Food Day celebration on October 28-30, 2016 in the alun-alun (open square) of Boyolali Regency, Central Java, attended by President Jokowi and the First Lady, Iriana

Approximately 5,000 invited guests including farmers, instructors, stock farmers, as well as representatives to 34 provinces in Indonesia, who simultaneously rang klotong in the opening. Mr. President, just after arriving, directly observed the technological exhibition, showing  some featured agricultural products like vegetables, fruits, and the like, and also some bullocks from various central areas.

A Technological Exhibition and Demonstration of Farm Produce was also held in Trayu Village, Banyudono Sub-district, making use of 100-hectare-wide area. “Food diversity growing in Boyolali was what made Boyolali was chosen as the host of the 2016 World Food Day. It shows that food diversity can be developed to support the sovereignty of food,” said a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture. Ministry of Agriculture was the coordinator of this World Food Day, as a focal point of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), in collaboration with other ministries in charge of World Food Day, such as the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and the Local Government of Boyolali Regency, Central Java Province.

mahasiswa teknologi pangan unimus mensosialisaikan HPS di acara car free daythe Head of Food Technology Study Program, Unimus, Dr. Nurhidajah, S.TP, M.Si. explained that, “This celebration should be introduced especially to new students so that they could now more about the field of food science, for in this event, there is also a Food-creating Competition managed by the Food Security Agency (FSA) in collaboration with the food stakeholders in all provinces. The students are hoped to contribute by giving ideas about technological innovation in the area of food for the sake of people’s advancement and prosperity.”

“To build food sovereignty means to meet with the availability, access, and affordability for the society, and also to provide nutritious, diverse, and safe food,” he added. the challenge gets heavier in the era of climate change, which is our problem to solve. (Gus/admin)
