Ganjar Pranowo, SH, M.IP, the Governor of Central Java Province during the general lecture

Semarang │UNIMUS (September 8, 2017) 2,445 new students of Universitas Muhamadiyah Semarang (Unimus) attended a general lecture on state defense delivered by Ganjar Pranowo, S.H., M.IP., the Governor of Central Java province. The lecture was held a as part of a series of new student orientation events in academic year 2017-2018, located in the east parking lot of the campus 1.

Governor of Central Java Province received a souvenir from the Rector of Unimus.

The governor stated in the lecture that defending the state could start from doing small things but giving big impacts. One of those was by counteracting hate speeches and hoaxes, which have got numerous recently. “The state defense spirit can be manifested in maintaining the integrity and order of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). It is one of every citizen’s obligations. Students as the next generations should not be easily provoked for the interests of some particular groups. ” the governor explained. “Through their characters and intelligences, college students are expected to have critical thinkings as well as be able to confirm the validity of every information they have received.” He also suggested and challenged the new students to developed renewable energy sources so that they wouldn’t be possessed by foreigners.

Through Goes To Campus program, the governor invited the students to have an interactive dialogue with him. As a result, many questions were asked, such as questions about acts of state defense that could be done by students, salt scarcity, weight-bridge, Rohingya social problems, renewable energy, and success key to becoming a leader. All the questions have been clearly answered by the governor.

A new student and the Governor was having an interactive dialogue.

Prof. Masrukhi, M.Pd., the Rector of Unimus, on the occasion expected that the motivation on the state defense in the general lecture could stimulate the students at Unimus to love the nation and state more and more and have the character of Islam and Muhammadiyah. “We hope that Unimus’ graduates will also have the integrity of nationalism, awareness on the social environment, and the spirit of state defense, as we all know that we are Indonesian citizens,” explained the rector.

Governor of Central Java Province along with the Rector of Unimus and the Student Executive Unit of Arts’ participants.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relations and Protocol.
