Dr. agr. Ir. Sri Peni Wastutiningsih from UGM delivered the material about KKNI curriculum entitled “Rasionalisasi Pengembangan KKNI dan Inovasi Pembelajaran di Perguruan Tinggi

Semarang │Unimus (12/04/2019) Indonesian National Qualification Framework (KKNI) is the manifestation of quality and Indonesian identity related to National Education System, National Vocational Training Regulation (sislatkernas) and equity assessment system of national learning outcomes which aims at producing human qualified and productive graduates. Higher education institution needs to upgrade its curriculum to keep it up-to-date with today’s condition. A curriculum is being developed to create excellent graduates that ready to work and compete. In order to develop it, Ministry of Research, Development and Higher Education and all institutions try to design the KKNI-based curriculum & National Standard of Higher Education (SN Dikti). Thus, Directorate of Learning and Student affairs of Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) in collaboration with Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) would  improve lecturers’ knowledge of KKNI and SN Dikti through an event entitled “Pelatihan Pembelajaran Berorientasi KKNI dan SN Dikti”.

This workshop was participated by 135 lecturers in Unimus and another universities around Central Java that was held in FK Hall of Unimus. This event was also attended by Head of Sub Directorate of Academic Education of Directorate General of Learning and Students Affair (Belmawa) of Research, Technology and Higher Education Ministry, Drh. Sirin Wahyu Nugroho, Section Head of Academic Curriculum Education of Dirjen Belmawa, Afriyudianto, Rector of Unimus Prof. Dr. Masrukhi, M.Pd, Vice Rector I of Unimus Dr. Sri Darmawati, M.Si, Vice Rector II of Unimus Dr. Sri Rejeki, M.Kep, Sp and Vice Rector III of Rektor III Dr. Samsudi Raharjo, MT. “This workshop aims not only at improving lecturers understanding about KKNI but also providing any update information about designing KKNI-based Lesson Plan (RPS)”, said Drh. Sirin Wahyu Nugroho. Whereas, Vice Rector I of Unimus, in her welcoming speech explained that this workshop will strengthen lecturers’ insights in developing curriculum and material in teaching and learning process.

In order to create competitive graduates, a curriculum needs to be adjusted to keep it up to date. Since today is Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, it is not sufficient for students to master about basic reading, writing, and mathematics to get students ready to leave for community. That is why, higher education institution has to prepare its students and graduates to be more competitive by optimizing new era of literacy in learning process, such as data, technology and human literacy” explained Drh. Sirin Wahyu Nugroho. Data literacy can be gained by developing reading skill, analysis and implementation of big data. While technology literacy is acknowledging how technology works and its application and human literacy deals with improving cognitive capacity such as high order mental skill, critical and systematic thinking.

Board of Unimus management took picture with Section Head of Academic Education Curriculum of Ditjen Belmawa and outstanding speakers

Dr. agr. Ir. Sri Peni Wastutiningsih from UGM with her curriculum expertise and Prof. Dr. Edy Cahyono, M.T. from Unnes were the outstanding speakers in this events. Several topics discussed in this workshop were: (1) the Rationale of Developing KKNI and Learning Innovation in Higher Education institution, (2) Designing KKNI-Based lesson plan and Learning Outcomes (3) Developing / Accomplishment of KKNI-based lesson plan. At this time, some lecturers presented their lesson plans and being commented and directed by speakers. “This workshop is significant to develop lecturers’ professionalism, besides, it also brings more benefits to lecturers, students, and institution. Teaching administration designed by study program will be the indicator of developing graduate quality. In addition, these document will be used to support institution accreditation”, explained Rector of Unimus.

Reported by the Technical Unit of Public Relation and Protocol


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