Semarang | Student Creativity Program (PKM) is a program offered by the Ministry of Researc, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) to facilitate students in achieving creativity and innovation based on the science and technology mastery. Students are given the opportunity to implement their abilities, skills, attitudes, and responsibilities in developing cooperation within team work or independency through creativity according to their discipline. Thus, Faculty of Engineering (FT) Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (Unimus) proudly presented workshop on PKM entitled “Trik Jitu Membuat Proposal PKM dan Lolos Seleksi”, on Friday (29/11/2019).


FT Unimus invited Muhammad Sam’an, S.Si, M.Mat as the keynote speaker to elaborate tips and tricks in creating qualified PKM in accordance to PIMNAS standard. Dean of FT Unimus, Dr. RM. Bagus Irawan, S.T., M.Si., IPP officially opened the workshop. “I do expect that this workshop be such momentum to prove who we are, considering that this faculty is one of the faculties who support the establishment of Unimus in 1999. Thus, we have to show that FT Unimus has the role to create great scientific works.” He said. This workshop was joined by hundreds of participants from the undergraduate of Mechanical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, and Informatic Engineering. The workshop was moderated by Arief Hendra Saptadi, S.T., M.Eng (lecturer of FT Unimus) and aimed at giving student motivation and share the technique of writing good and qualified PKM.


Arief Hendra Saptadi, S.T., M.Eng stated that the point of the workshop was to explain about PKM that can be accessed by students. In short, PKM can be distinguished into Research (PKM-P), Entrepreneurship (PKM-K), Community Service (PKM-M), Application of Technology (PKM-T), Copyrighted Works (PKM-KC), Scientific Article (PKM-AI), Written Ideas (PKM-GT), and Constructive Futuristic Ideas (PKM-GFK). At that time, FT Unimus also appreciated one students from Mechanical Engineering of Unimus, Hanan Hidayat and team who successfully succeed in getting their achievement on the Scientific Work Contest in Central Java and DIY held by Mechanical Engineering Students Forum of Northern Central Java in Universitas Muria Kudus. Through great project entitled “Uji performent catalityc converter berbahan komposit berbasis keramik untuk mereduksi emisi gas buang motor bensin” Hanan won the 3rd Winner.


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