Unimus | (July 21, 2018) Prof. Dr. dr. H. Rifki Muslim, SpB, SpU (K), Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang (FK Unimus), led the Oath-taking ceremony of 29 new doctors after graduating from the Professional Program in Medicine at Unimus. The 16th oath-taking ceremony was held in Rafless Ballroom of Semesta Hotel today (July 21, 2018). The ceremony was attended by Muhammadiyah Provincial Executive Board of Central Java, Vice Rectors of Unimus, the Dean, head of Indonesian Medical Association for Semarang City, representatives of Health Office, and invited guests from hospitals in Semarang City. Totally, 199 doctors have graduated from Unimus, including those taking the oath today. “This medical oath-taking ceremony should have been attended by 30 doctors. However, one of them, named dr. Muhamad Wijanarko, has passed away a couple of days ago. Unimus would like to express the greatest condolence to the family and may he dies khusnul khotimah for he passed away when he was studying,” Prof. Dr. dr. H. Rifki Muslim, SpB, SpU (K) expressed.

Prof. Rifki said that the oath-taking ceremony was one of the efforts to create doctors or physicians that would do the job professionally as well as protect the
society. “People’s demands dealing with medical professional are increasing meaning a doctor is not only rated in accordance with his or her knowledge but also
profession, such as having charisma, as well as praiseworthy, friendly, humanist, and dedicative. These graduates are expected to be able to bring the good name of the Faculty of Dentistry of Unimus. One of criteria of the success of a doctor is the willingness to help the patients in a good way as many as possible. If there is a patient who cannot pay, please accept,” he added. “Never stop learning for it should be done in the entire life. The new doctors are expected to continue study on higher levels, such as by becoming a specialist, taking master’s or doctoral program and serving the society,” he ended. Prof. Rifki also advised the new doctors to work with Islamic work ethic based on the vision and missions of Unimus and to live a proper life, be honest, and be trustful in order to be safe in life and the afterlife.

Meanwhile, Dr. Ns. Sri Rejeki, M.Kep, Sp.Mat., the Vice Rector II, representing the Rector of Unimus, stated that the doctors had taken the competence test. And, 97%
of them passed it. The title would be the beginning for them to implement science and knowledge, to share it with the society, and educate people. These doctors have had competencies, either as a doctor competitive the global sphere as well as one who would do Islamic da’wah in the society. “We would like to appreciate the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and the staff for guiding and creating young doctors of Unimus, along with the institutional quality improvement. Nowadays, Unimus is ranked 46th out of 2,937 higher education institutions in Indonesia according to 4ICU and 203rd out of 7,430 higher education institutions worldwide,” she said.
The Vice Rector II, still reading the Rector’s written greeting, advised the new doctors to make use of achievements that they had got to serve the society. “This title of doctor is the fruit of tireless efforts, with patience, high spirit, and tenacity in the academic life, the period when you were improving intellectuality and skills. The medical oath should be internalized in your character and become the beginning of new struggles, which are harder, for you have to implement the Islamic knowledge and values and think as Muslim intellectuals having high moral standards.” Rector of Unimus specifically also expressed his gratitude for the Faculty of Medicine. “We are grateful that the Faculty of Medicine’s building in the integrated campus of Unimus has been finished and insyaallah will be ready to be used in September 2018 when the Academic Year 2018/ 2019 starts,” the Rector concluded.